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Your Leadership Team

President Ben Leuschner


Ben has been with the Department for almost 34 years, over 25 of those as a supervisor.  He worked in nearly every precinct, as well as in investigations and, yes, even PSB.  


He has been a member of the PPSLA Executive Board since 2013 and in that time he has seen the damage that can be caused by an ineffective union and a lack of competent representation.  He has been a PPSLA representative for almost 9 years and, now that he has been elected President, he is committed to providing outstanding representation to PPSLA members and ensuring that PPSLA is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs to its members.

Vice President Brian Thatcher


Brian has been on the department for 20 years during which time he has worked in the Black Mountain, Cactus Park, Desert Horizon, Maryvale, and South Mountain Precincts.  He also helps out with training.  He began working with PPSLA in order to help make the organization more responsive, transparent, and accountable to its members.  He seeks to be an advocate for all members but also to give a voice to those who are closer to the beginning of their careers than the end.  He serves as the Discipline and Grievance Coordinator, Chief Contract Negotiator, & Legislative Liaison working to enhance and defend your rights and benefits.

Treasurer Brian Coudret


Brian ran for the PPSLA board because he believes there has historically been a lack of representation on substantive issues that affect sergeants and lieutenants in the long term. Brian worked as a field training sergeant, as well as in robbery and homicide. Prior to his re-election, he served as an appointed Trustee. Brian's goal is to bring a voice to the PPSLA members, like himself, that will be working for this department for several years to come. He wants this Executive Board to truly represent the needs of the entire membership and he is focused on the need to improve communication with all of our members. Better communication both directions means all of the membership can get what it truly wants out of the organization.

Trustee Mark Schweikert

Mark serves a lieutenant in the transit bureau. He is dedicated to member services, and provides continuity on the PPSLA Board, as he previously served as the Secretary. Mark assists with Member Services, Representation and other areas that impact PPSLA and its membership.

Secretary Daren Wunderle​


Daren was appointed to the PPSLA Executive Board in March of 2019. He has been with the Department for 25 years, over 15 of those as a supervisor. He has served in the Maryvale and Desert Horizon Precincts, the PSB Investigations and Inspections Units, Office of Administration, and currently serves in the Employee Wellness Bureau as the Phoenix Police Department’s Financial Wellness Coordinator.

In 2016, Daren was appointed to serve on the Arizona PSPRS Defined Contribution Committee, the City of Phoenix Health Care Task Force, and the City Manager’s Advance Phoenix Team. In 2019, he was elected to serve on the City of Phoenix Local Police Pension Board. In 2021, he was appointed by the President of the Arizona Senate to serve as a Trustee on the Arizona Public Safety Pension Board (PSPRS). At the state level, he has worked extensively on several bills, such as, HB2028 (Tier 2 Pension Contributions to 7.65%), HB2063 (Return to Work), and SB1268 (Drop Extension). During his time as a PSPRS Trustee, PSPRS has led all large U.S. public pension systems for asset growth for two years, employers have paid down $5.5B in unfunded liability, Tier 2 and Tier 3 officer required pension contributions have significantly decreased, and the Tier 3 salary cap has been raised. On a local level, he has worked on several meaningful benefits, to include the 100% sick time payout, increasing and maintaining the HSA City contribution, and several increases to the pay structure. Daren continually seeks to improve our members work environment and benefits through engagement, collaboration, innovation, and education.

Trustee Marcus Allen


Marcus is a sergeant with the Special Assignments Unit. He was appointed to the Board and brings his experience as an investigative and tactical sergeant to the Board. He looks forward to listening to member concerns and bringing his perspective to the Board.

Trustee Nick Jimenez

Nick is a lieutenant in the Desert Horizon Precinct. He was appointed to the Board after the elections. He is deeply committed to listening to the needs of Membership, and looks forward to working for the interests of each and every PPSLA Member.

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